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Chicago has broken a record that the city can’t be very proud of: In 1994, for the third straight year, a record number of children were murdered in the city.

Police stats released last week show that 114 kids 16 and under were murdered in 1994. In 1993, 111 kids in that age group were killed; in 1992, 98 were.

The nation watched in horror as news reports came out about Chicago kids who were killed. People heard about Eric Morse, 5, who reportedly was dropped from a 14th-floor window by two 10- and 11-year-olds. They heard about Robert Sandifer, 11, wanted in the murder of a 14-year-old, then allegedly gunned down himself by members of his gang. Politicians used the deaths to illustrate the nation’s troubles. Take House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who said, “We are allowing the brutalization and degradation of children in this country.”

Still, many people are hopeful, because at least the country is recognizing there’s a big problem.