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Richard and Kathleen Paine have filed a $100 million lawsuit against the city and the Chicago Police Department. They say their repeated calls to police while their daughter was in custody were ignored.
Tribune photo by Nancy Stone
Richard and Kathleen Paine have filed a $100 million lawsuit against the city and the Chicago Police Department. They say their repeated calls to police while their daughter was in custody were ignored.
Chicago Tribune

Christina Eilman was arrested for erratic behavior at Midway Airport in 2006. Police commanders ignored instructions to take her to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, and instead she was transported to the Wentworth District lockup in one of the city’s highest-crime areas. The next evening, after hours of apparent psychotic behavior, police released her with no assistance or direction, several miles from where she had been arrested. She wandered aimlessly toward a high-rise of the Robert Taylor Homes, where she was sexually assaulted before plunging from a seventh-floor window. She suffered a severe brain injury, a shattered pelvis, collapsed lung and numerous other injuries.