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Chicago Tribune

Public schools teach drivers’ education because traffic safety is always a big concern. And then there is sex education. The governing educational philosophy does not say that fornication is wrong. It assumes that sex will happen. It offers, instead, all kinds of instructions on how to prevent sexual activity from becoming dangerous, going so far, for example, as to demonstrate the use of condoms.

Gun safety education falls naturally into this mode of thinking. People are going to own guns. This is a fact of life. Society has to accept this. The only question remains, is such ownership going to be based on ignorance or proper guidance and training?

What would a gun safety curriculum look like? The course would supply a rationale for why gun ownership is important to the ordinary citizen. There exist constitutional issues and practical issues. The gun issue would permit children to learn something about American history and the frame of mind of the founding fathers. Students might learn the pro and con arguments concerning gun control.

The students would have to learn the curriculum before being allowed to practice shooting guns in school. This will have the benefit of weeding out students who show a reckless or anti-social attitude towards guns. They would also learn about the many different guns available and their advantages and disadvantages. They would learn to disassemble and assemble a firearm as well as learn basics in ballistics and any other subjects relevant to the safe and effective operation of firearms.