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Chicago Tribune

With yet ANOTHER Clinton scandal exploding all around them Democrats may want to reasses Hillary’s inevitability. I mean, seriously, email-gate, Bengazhi, Whitewater, Rose Law Firm files just to mention those I can think of off of the top of my head because I don’t want to Google the subject and spend an hour of my life I will never get back. Not to mention her husband, former President Bill Clinton’s, own special sense of morality and you have to wonder if this is really and truly the face Democrats want to put forward in the 2016 election. Then again, given the alternative, the Democrats seem to be stuck being ready for Hillary.

As The New York Times wrote recently: They shrug off questions about Hillary Rodham Clinton‘s email habits. They roll with the attacks on her family’s foundation, the big checks from foreign governments, the torpid response of her not-yet-campaign.

They have little choice: As Mrs. Clinton prepares to begin her second presidential campaign amid a froth of criticism and outrage, Democrats are not just Ready for Hillary — as supporters named one pro-Clinton “super PAC” — they are desperate for her.

Congressional Democrats are counting on a strong Clinton campaign to help lift them back into the majority. Party leaders at all levels want her fund-raising help and demographic appeal. And from the top of the party to its grass roots, Mrs. Clinton’s pseudo-incumbency is papering over significant disadvantages: a weak bench, a long-term House minority and a white middle class defecting to the Republican Party faster than the Democrats’ hoped-for demographic future is expected to arrive.

Mrs. Clinton, many Democrats say, is simply too big to fail.

BTW the drawing is based on the most recent example of Biden Stranger Danger.