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Contra La Corriente (RMM) (star) (star) (star) 1/2

“Contra La Corriente” is the best album yet from salsa’s biggest-selling artist, in large measure because it sounds like he’s been listening to a lot of Cuban music, particularly Los Van Van. The singer uses his deep, resonant voice more a la salsa romantica and Latin pop. Sometimes, as in “Un Mal Sueno” or “Suceden,” it verges on going right over the top. Because Cuban singers just don’t emote like this, it’s in the rhythms and harmonies that you really hear the Cuban influence; even though they’re speeded up like an out-of-control subway train, the beats on “Si Te Vas,” “No Sabes Como Duele” and “La Luna Sobre Nuestro Amor” are pure Juan Formell. The marriage of hip hop and songo complements Marc Anthony’s cocky swagger and astounding voice.