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About this week’s funky cover: That’s our way of saying thanks for all the MJ cards, readers! We asked you to write His Airness a note thanking him for the marvy memories over the years (and begging him to stay, of course). And you sent us squillions of cards, letters and pictures for MJ. Now it’s our turn: We’re planning to deliver your cards to MJ (or as close as we can get); they’ll be attached to a life-sized card we had made for him. And because you were nice enough to share your cards with us, we’re gonna share ours with you. Check it out: Six artists each created one panel of the life-sized card, and we at KidNews will put them together into one humongous card for MJ. But first, we took a picture of each panel, and we’re reproducing them in issues of KidNews for the next month. We started with this week’s cover and back page. That way, if you faithfully grab KidNews for the next four weeks, you’ll have all the pieces you need to put together a copy of the MJ card for yourself. We think it’d make a primo poster for your room (and MJ will be so impressed the next time he drops by!).

Finally, when it’s a done deal, we’ll let you know how we got the card to MJ. (We’re crossing our fingers and toes – we hope a meeting with MJ is in the cards…)