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Chicago Tribune

Iran is holding the entire French Embassy staff in Tehran hostage because the French government is demanding the opportunity to question a suspected terrorist who happens to work as a translator at the Iranian Embassy in Paris. Americans remember with sadness France`s refusal to grant overflight privileges to the American pilots participating in retaliatory air strikes on Libya. . . . But in recent months, under the leadership of Premier Jacques Chirac, the French have started to crack down on terror. The trial last spring in Paris of a Lebanese terrorist–and the life sentence meted out to him

–showed genuine courage on the part of the French judiciary.

In these circumstances, past differences should be put aside: As a gesture of solidarity with France, Washington should urge those of its allies who maintain ties with Iran–such as West Germany and Japan–to expel all Iranian diplomats and shut their own embassies in Tehran.

And Paris should be encouraged to stand firm until the Iranians hand over the murder suspect, and until French diplomats are permitted to leave Iran.

BIRMINGHAM (ALA.) POST-HERALD: In an unexpected but welcome move, the House of Representatives has voted narrowly, 198-193, to ban cigarette smoking on all commercial airline flights of two hours or less. . . .

Despite the claim by tobacco interests that ”passive smoking” is not a proven hazard, the U.S. Surgeon General has found that it increases the risk of lung cancer and respiratory disease by as much as 31 percent.

Of course it would be unpleasant and painful for cigarette addicts to forgo their nicotine fix for two hours. But between their inconvenience and lowering the cancer risk for nonsmoking passengers, the choice is easy.

THE MIAMI HERALD: As strongman Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega`s corruption and ruthlessness have been exposed, the Panamanian Defense Forces have had to resort to increasingly higher levels of violence to suppress Panamanians demanding his resignation.

Evidence of the abuses became public as protesters arrested during recent antigovernment rallies were released. Their tales of torture and beatings were fresh indications of Noriega`s increasing resort to violence to remain in power.

(This) prompted the U.S. Embassy to increase its rights-reporting staff to three officers. U.S. diplomats and members of the American military-liaison force in Panama have expressed concern. And the human rights group Americas Watch announced it will begin careful scrutiny of abuses in Panama.

All this is a start. Pressure must be mounted until Noriega understands . . . he cannot hope to rule by terror a country where people demand the right to govern themselves democratically.

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH: As Ollie-mania loses its grip on the American consciousness, its influence will similarly diminish, proving to have been as transient as the Nehru jacket.

By the time the Reagan administration officially begins pleading its case for the contras early this fall, we fervently hope that those debating the issue will no longer be blinded by the sight of a chestful of medals on an errant National Security Council staffer.

The contras are no more deserving of aid than they were before Lt. Col. Oliver North took hold of the country`s fancy. When the flap dies down, the contras will be as much an affront to democratic ideals as they always were.

INDIANAPOLIS STAR: In his dismisssal remarks to Lt. Col. Oliver North, Rep. Lee Hamilton had much well-written comment. Almost all of it could be considered well-intentioned.

Yet the soft-spoken congressman from southern Indiana also said:

”But I am impressed that policy was driven by a series of lies–lies to the Iranians, lies to the Central Intelligence Agency, lies to the attorney general, lies to our friends and allies, lies to the Congress and lies to the American people.”

The policy on Iran and the contras was driven . . . by presidential desire to advance the security interests of this nation and of American citizens held hostage overseas.

Lies were told in its execution, and other major mistakes were made. But Hamilton`s implication is that all these people did all these things because lying is what makes them tick. That is extraordinarily unfair.

ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS-DISPATCH: One of these days Ronald Reagan will react in detail, we hope, to what has transpired in the congressional Iran-contra hearings. And when he does, he needs to speak directly to the efforts of loyalists like Rear Adm. John Poindexter to protect him at all costs from political embarrassment.

Poindexter said he refrained from seeking the President`s approval and telling anyone else about the plan he, as national security adviser, approved to enrich the contras with profits from the U.S. arms sale to Iran.

Poindexter said he felt obligated to protect the President from the decision, even though he was convinced Reagan would go along.

If this is the principle that is to drive this and future White House staffs, then we fear for the presidency. More than that, we fear for the nation.

THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC, PHOENIX: The whole sorry affair–from selling arms to terrorists to the diversion of funds to the contras–can be blamed on a President not taking a firm enough hold on foreign policy, in general, and over the NSC, in particular.

The obvious question now is where, as a nation, do we go from here. No doubt we`ll be subjected to more political flummery and partisan flagellation as even more witnesses appear before the congressional star chamber.

Since the President already has taken the necessary steps to comply with Tower Commission recommendations relating to the accountability of the NSC, little will be gained by wallowing in the overblown details of the misguided venture.

Facing critical issues relating to superpower arms control, continuing conflict in the Middle East and an ever-rising mountain of government debt at home, it`s time to put the demeaning debacle behind us.